Yoga asanas for weight loss: benefits and implementation features

gym yoga for weight loss

Stable and safe weight loss is a whole range of activities. It includes correction of mood and diet, as well as regular and systematic physical activity.

Most of the time, physical activity combines cardio and strength training, as aerobic exercises help break down fat cells and strength exercises strengthen muscles, keeping the body in shape.

However, yoga classes, although initially not intended to reduce excess weight, but as an additional physical activity, can be quite effective in the process of fighting excess weight.

The benefits of yoga for the body and weight loss

yoga classes to lose weight

When starting to practice yoga with the aim of losing weight, you need to understand that you shouldn't expect quick results - and that's the biggest and only downside of yoga. But subject to systematic and long-term work in this direction of fitness, yoga becomes perhaps the most reliable way of stable and safe weight loss. Furthermore, it helps to maintain the weight loss result after successful completion of an intensive fitness program and prevents future weight gain.

This is because regular performance of yoga poses has such a positive effect on the human body:

  • the work of all systems and organs improves;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • stimulated weight loss;
  • resistance to stress increases and the psycho-emotional state normalizes.

You should start practicing yoga by mastering the simplest asanas and gradually, as you gain experience, move on to more complex yoga poses.

Yoga breathing practice for weight loss

Kapalabhati is one of the simplest yoga exercises. It is based on proper breathing technique and effectively activates weight loss. Kapalabhati is performed in this way:

  • stand with your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • take a deep breath and at the same time pull the stomach;
  • hold your breath and fix the body position for 2-3 seconds;
  • exhale calmly and repeat this exercise, encouraging weight loss, at least 50 times.

When performing kapalabhati, one must ensure that the body, with the exception of the abdomen, remains immobile. Gradually, the number of repetitions of this simple yoga pose should be increased to 100 times.

Yoga postures to promote weight loss

yoga poses for weight loss

For safe weight loss, you should regularly perform the following yoga poses:


Stand up straight, stretch your legs comfortably, as you inhale, lift your arms above your head, and as you exhale, stretch your whole body straight up, without lifting your heels off the floor. Then you should lean your body down and support your palms on the floor, placing them parallel to your feet. If the stretch doesn't allow you to reach the floor, you can grab your legs with your hands and stretch that way. As you exhale, you need to straighten and lower your arms. Uttanasana improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to achieve effective weight loss in the abdomen.

Virabhadrasana II

Standing up, jump up and spread your legs wide, stretch your arms straight out to the sides, pointing your palms down. Turn one foot to the side and transfer your body weight to it, bending your knee at a right angle. Turn the other foot towards the bent knee. So both feet should be on the same line. Turn your head towards the bent leg and hold this position for 60 seconds. Repeat the entire sequence of actions, turning to the other side. This exercise helps eliminate fat deposits on the sides and strengthens the back and limb muscles.


Lie on your side with one leg crossed over the other. Raise your body, supporting yourself on your outstretched palm and the side of your foot. Raise the hand that was on top vertically up. It takes 30-60 seconds to maintain this position, straining and pulling the stomach. Then you should roll over to the other side and repeat this exercise for weight loss.


Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, raise your upper limbs above your head and bring your palms together. Exhaling, lower your pelvis and squat down to a level where your hips are even with the floor. You need to squat for half a minute, in no case taking your heels off the floor. This asana for slimming the hips and abdomen should be repeated 5-6 times.


Lie face down on the floor, stretch your upper and lower limbs backwards, press your palms on your hips, bring your feet together. Exhaling, simultaneously raise your upper body and legs to the maximum possible height. Over time, when the muscles are strengthened, when performing this asana, only the stomach will touch the surface of the floor. Shalabhasana strengthens the spine, develops back and limb muscles and helps to reduce excess weight.

Paripurna Navasana

Sit on the floor, keeping your back straight, bend your lower limbs and rest your feet on the floor. After taking a deep breath, lean your body back about 60 degrees, keeping your back straight. Exhaling, lift your feet off the floor, straighten your knees and raise your lower limbs to face level, and stretch your upper limbs towards your knees. This position must be fixed for half a minute. Paripurna Navasana helps to lose weight in the abdomen, strengthens the muscles of the press and improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Chaturanga Dandasana

Lying on your stomach, rest your palms on the floor at chest height, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. On exhalation, leaning on your palms and toes, raise your body so that it is parallel to the surface of the floor and hold this position for as long as possible. This asana strengthens the muscles of the entire body and forms the correct posture.


Keeping the starting position, as in the previous yoga pose - lying on your stomach with an emphasis on the palms of your hands at chest height - while inhaling, raise your upper body, supporting yourself on straight upper limbs and, exhaling, try to bend back as low as possible. This exercise strengthens your deep back muscles and helps you lose weight in this part of your body.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Standing with emphasis on the palms of the hands and knees, while exhaling, unfold the lower limbs and stretch the tailbone up, stretching the spine, without lifting the palms and feet off the floor. This position must be held for 30 seconds.


Lie on your back, it is convenient to spread your lower and upper limbs, point your palms up, close your eyes and relax for 15 minutes. This yoga pose is recommended to complete the class.